During the second week of the Open House two special meetings for the descendants of Joseph Smith was held, one on Friday and one on Saturday. About fifty family members attended each one. A few that were there are already members of the church, but most were not. Both meetings were so special. The temple president, President Hardy, the mission president, President Keyes and Michael Kennedy (first descendent of JS to hold the priesthood), all spoke and bore testimony of Joseph Smith. Both meetings were so spiritual. Imagine listening to these great men telling Joseph's descendent that he truly was a prophet, and that he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth in it's fullness.
Jerry did a lot of preparation for these special meetings. He was able to "Pre Set" the film on temples the descendants all watched before their tour of the Temple, which also gave him an opportunity to bear his testimony to all 100 descendants of the greatness of their Great Grandfather. Once in a life time experience.
President Keyes and Sister Keyes, Ivor Jones and Gracia Jones
(Gracia was the first family member to be baptized.
She has written several books about Joseph and Emma)
A special meeting was held after the Joseph and Emma meeting,
the picture below was presented to Dan Larsen,
he was very surprised and very touched. |
A painting of Dan Larsen portraying Joseph Smith Sr.
at a Smith family gathering held in the Kirtland Temple.
Dan and RoseMarie Larsen admiring the painting!
Dan is the Great grandson of Joseph and Emma Smith |
This picture was sent from St. George, Utah by Julie Rogers, the artist. The paint was still slightly wet! It hasn't been finished, but they wanted to have it there for the Joseph and Emma Smith meetings. It was huge! And very beautiful!
Joseph is at the far left, Joseph Smith the III is next, then Emma. Their posterity stands to the right. Joseph Smith the III was the last of Joseph and Emma's children to die in 1914. Joseph and Emma are welcoming him "home". The artist will fill in the faces of other descendants behind Emma, going up to the left of the picture. Hope wee can see it when it is finished! |
This is the shipping crate the picture arrived in.
Elder Wells picked it up for us and delivered it to the Stake Center.
It was not an easy task!
We sat it on the floor of the chapel to the right of the pulpit so it could be easily seen. |
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