We had such an amazing time at the Open House. Lots of members came through of course. But lots of friends of other faiths too. There was an average of 5,000 people a day. People lined up to come in, hopefully they came at their appointed time. Seven rooms were available, some holding 30, others 60. They would fill up a room, a sister missionary would come in and "pre set", she welcomed them and introduced herself and told them they would see a short film about our temples before the tour began. After the tour they would come back into the cultural hall for punch and cookies. They were asked to fill out a comment card when they returned from the temple. The sister would then turn the time over to the "host", who started the film and took them through the temple. When everything worked right, this happened every 4 minutes in a different room. The film took 12 minutes. Then they would walk to the temple and a new group would come into the room.
This is a great panorama the church brings in, it explains the restoration really well. Lots of people spent time reading each caption. One gentleman was a WW II vet, he was copying word for word the picture of the Savior. He told me he wanted to "prove" to his friends that we believed in Christ! |
After the first week, the fresh flowers were replaced with artificial flowers . . . (One sweet old lady asked me what the religious significance of the bird cage was!) |
The walk to the temple. The people here are some friends we have made that live in Liberty, Jerry was able to go on the tour with them. |
Answering questions and visiting! |
This was probably the busiest day. Two buses pulled up, I don't think they had reservations , but it all worked out well. They didn't have to wait much more than a half hour. |
Getting the "booties" |
A little "grandma" fix! |
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