March 10, 2012
Sixty-six hours with T. Jay and Crystal
T. Jay and Crystal in front of the Pony Express Monument in St. Joseph Missouri |
Adam-ondi-Ahman |
Elder Jensen and T.Jay on Preacher's Rock |
A touch of spring! |
We have been to Adam-ondi-Ahman several times, this was the first time we had seen any skeletons ! |
Jamesport is 13 miles East of Adam-ondi-Ahman. There is a lot of Amish culture here.
We were driving right behind this carriage and buggy. |
A "well to do" Amish home? |
Monday must be laundry day here in Jamesport! We saw a couple of homes with the same
blue, purple, gray and black clothes on the line. |
Far West |
Elvis and a wannabe Elvis! |
6 women having a chat and a cup of coffee |
On the way home from the church sites we stopped in Hamilton for lunch. Hamilton is the birth place of JC Penny. We had our choice of eating at Subway or trying a place called "Past Times". We decided to take a chance on Past Times. We loved it! Had a great hamburger while listening to 60's music. The table behind Crystal had 6 men chatting and having a cup of coffee. We think they might have been related to the above 6 women! |
We had to have an early dinner at the famous Arthur Bryant's.
At night, they have guards watching the parking lot. It's in a scary parts of town, but the food is great! |
Truman, in front of the Truman street sign. I like the sign in the background "Drugs For Less"! |
Elder Jensen, Sisters Wright and T. Jay Visitors Center |
Liberty Jail |
T. Jay and Crystal were coming to visit! We were so excited! We had everything ready and were just waiting to pick them up from the airport when they called and said their flight had been delayed. By the time they flew out of Austin, they had missed the connecting flight to Missouri and had to spend the night in Dallas. We were really disappointed! They were only going to be here from Saturday night to Wednesday morning. So we lost one night of visiting. We picked them up Sunday morning, then drove to St. Joseph. We showed them a few sights then came back to the apartment to unload and let them rest a little. When they planned the trip, our calendar was pretty clear, then a special Zone Conference was called with a visiting authority for Tuesday. So, we spent Monday seeing Adam-ondi-Ahman, Jamesport, and Far West. We went to the Zone Conference Tuesday morning. Jerry was asked to be President Keyes' Executive secretary. That was a completely unexpected surprise. We'll have to figure out what that means! We left T. Jay and Crystal to see the sights by themselves. They went to the Truman Museum and a few of the church sites there in Independence. We did a little "baby" shopping, then went home and had dinner. They left really early Wednesday morning. It was such a fast trip. We were so happy to see them though. I guess we have been a little homesick . . . .
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