Tuesday, March 13, 2012


November 29, 2011

This is a beautiful area, maybe the most beautiful, sacred, spot in the world!  One feels the need to talk with hushed voices while they are here.  I can only imagine how lovely it will be in the springtime!  The first time I saw Adam-ondi-Ahman was in 1979.  We were on a trip with Jerry’s parents.  At that time it would have been hard to find if Jerry hadn’t been familiar with the area.  It is now well marked and easy to locate.  It has walking paths and markers, there is restroom, a picnic table and benches for sitting, pondering and looking at the beautiful land. 
Some interesting facts about “Diahman”, what has happened and what is yet to come:
Ahman is one of the names by which God was known to Adam. (BR McConkie)
Adam-ondi-Ahman means the place or land of God where Adam dwelt. (BR McConkie)
Adam and his posterity dwelt here.
Adam received the “keys of salvation” here.
It is the place where Adam called his posterity together and bestowed upon them his last blessing. The Lord then appeared unto them and blessed Adam and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel.
Many early saints settled in this area, before being driven out in 1838.  (When we visited in 1979, we saw the footings of a house believed to have been Lyman Wights).
The land here is dry farmed.  The farmers who work the land have signed an agreement to never work on Sunday and to uphold church standards.
There are about 3 sets of missionaries who live here and care for the property.
Bruce R. McConkie (in the Millennial Messiah p. 580) wrote:
“All that happened at Adam-ondi-Aham in those early days was but a type and a shadow - a similitude if you will - of what shall happen at the same blessed place in the last days when Adam and Christ and the residue of men who are righteous assemble again in solemn worship.” 

In this valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman a great and glorious priesthood meeting will be held.  At this council, all who have held keys of authority will give an accounting of their stewardship to Adam.  Christ will then come, receive back the keys, and thus take one of the final steps preparatory to reigning personally upon the earth.  (Mormon Doctrine, pg.21)

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